Thursday 11 February 2016


If you have been with me through my natural hair journey, you probably know I'm a big fan of AFRO BOTANICS. I was first introduced to their products by Bela Ngulube of I remember I just sent her message on FB asking which local affordable products she recommends and she referred me to their website. To cut the long story short I made my first purchase with them. I bought their whole range. I loved them. There's a post where shared much on how I feel and how I use them.


Afro Botanics recently launched a hair care range with our beautiful African queen Pearl Thusi annnnnnnnd.... *waitForIt*................ THEY HAVE OUTDONE THEMSELVES. As soon as the range was out, I got my hands on them and I'm in love.
 Remember in one of my previous post I mentioned that I now know what works for me and that I'm confident with the products that I use and how to use them for my hair needs blahblah blah? welllll not in so many ways but yah, I know my holy "grails" and they'll be part of my journey for as long as they continue serving me well. Yes yes I'm a product junkie and won't stop trying out other products but what I'm trying to say is that I know what to look out for in my products.


 Lets talk a little bit about this Conditioning Moisturizer treatment. It's a leave-in conditioner spritz that I use every night as my L, in the LOC method. This bad boy right here is heaven sent for my low porosity hair. it is very light and penetrates very well into my very flat cuticles. I can literally see the product nourishing my hair. It smell is pleasant and not too strong. I bought my first bottle I think it was around the end of November. I ran out around the beginning of January so I added pure Aloe Vera juice and whaaaaalaah!! the ingredients in this spritz took the mother nature Aloe very well. I continued with this mixture until I was able to get another one. It's almost mid February and my second bottle is gone. This spritz is essential for my mane and I'm generous with it. 


 I'm on protective styling challenge now and I will soon be sharing how I use these products  on my cornrows.

Thank you so much for passing by ladies. please follow me on facebook


Sunday 17 January 2016


So today is a kick start of the 6 months protective styling challenge. I however had to start on the 13th because my one person that I trust with my hair was leaving on Thursday and I wasn't going to let her go without tucking my mane. 

What I did before putting her(my hair) away:

Deep conditioned on dry hair

I know most people would say, you should have washed your hair properly with shampoo and and and and... I didn't because I wanted to have my hair touched at its most softest state and unfortunately being the low porosity girl, I never get that with drowning my hair in lots of products. It would have absorbed the water during the shampoo process and wouldn't have absorbed the conditioner the way I would have loved it to. 

Comb detangling

My sister then detangled my hair with a detangling comb. I never comb detangle, but we wanted to make the cornrowing process easier. Boy did she take time with my hair... Bless her. 

Cold rinse 

I then rinsed with cold water. yes cold. I wasn't going to let no hot water open up my cuticles and loose my moisture...NO!! 

Then I oiled and moisturized my hair GENEROUSLY!!! 

LENGTH CHECK!!!  13.01.2016


I know a few ladies who are on this journey with me and I would like to wish you all the best beauties. I cannot wait to see what we bring home come July... much love. 

lets' keep in touch on my facebook page I will be posting updates and tips there. Please be sure to yours too. 

Monday 11 January 2016


Hello Hello Hello y'all natural beauties. Happy new year and all the best with your manes this year.  2015 was challenging but most importantly a year of discovery, learning, and  a year of trials and errors when it comes to my hair. Last year October the 26th was my 1 year "hairvessary" and yes I was very pleased and proud of my progress. I have bigger and even better goals this year and I will like to continue sharing them with you this 2016. The first one being length retention. I've learned and mastered my technique of keeping my hair thick and nourished. And now I want to see some length.

I've spent my festive season in my hair, meaning I was always touching and manipulating my hair. in and out of wigs, I was forever touchy touching my hair. With that I realized I was setting myself back because every time I touched my hair, I also had a pair of scissors in my hands. I always had to cut some type of knots or tangles. I realized I dried out my hair and created unnecessary tangles and knots. My laziness of not detangling also made my hair prone to tangles, that I know for sure. I want to change this.

Anyway, this January I have decided to put my hair away and I mean for a very long time. I'm embarking on a 6 months protective style challenge. I'm going to tuck my hair under the wigs, and crotchet braids. I thought about Senegalese and box braids but I'll see with those. I'm not mad about having someone touch my hair.

Here's what I'll be doing---

 Under my wig:

  • Corn row my hair in small to medium rows
  • Mist my strands and oil my scalp with JBCO and peppermint oil every second night
  • Wash and deep condition my cornrows every two weeks 
  • Take down the cornrows after 6 weeks and back again after a thorougher wash and detangling.
  • Take extra care of my edges

  • Drinking lots of water
  • 3 bottle of 750ml during the day and 1 liter before bed. 
  • Take my vitamins 
  • Green smoothie intake, every morning
  • Workout (lol) 
  • Smile 
Anyone joining me????????? lets do this!!!! Don't forget to follow me on Facebook 

Monday 9 November 2015


Hey loves, I know I have been MIA  and I do really apologize, life has been doing me. lol. I'm a little over a year now in my journey since big chop and I must say, the journey has been interesting. When my hair was shorter I never really bothered with detangling my hair at all. I'd just slather some product on and just rinse it out and whaalaah done.

TWA days...breeze days!!!

NNNOW!!! My hair has grown and boy I cannot run away from detangling. I really tried to avoid it by taking short cuts and protective styling for long. I killed myself. My hair suffered. single strand knots/fairy knots found a HOME on my head and still today I will never forgive myself for being so negligent.  I was so hurt because I had just trimmed my hair and now I had to snip off some more hair because of my laziness.
this is my hair after a trim.

see that?????? 
my hair was not cuddling  and beautifully coily as I'm used to it....

this is my hair with little fairy knots. there are lots in there trust me.

Anyway, I have to forgive myself and start doing better by my hair and for my hair and yes for me too. :). 

I've heard and seen a lot of people (you-tubers) use coconut oil and a conditioner for detangling but I cannot use coconut oil because coco' and I just don't get along. I felt helpless and really didn't know what to use. But I didn't give up I was willing to sit the whole weekend and detangle my hair strand by strand if that's what my hair wanted me to do. I was ready. I had  planned to use the olive oil and a conditioner instead of coconut oil.

 On friday night I did a pre-poo/ hot oil treatment and left it in my hair over night (GREEN HOUSE EFFECT METHOD). 
coincidentally, Saturday morning I just started touchy touching my hair and I couldn't believe what was happening, the tangles and knots were melting, like literally melting apart. I had not added anything in my hair, there was only oils and a little mist from the GHEM...*JumpingWithJoyAndAmazement* I really got motivated to sit and do my hair. I finger detangled my whole head without the usual struggle and I was very happy. I used my fingers only because I dint want to push it with a comb since the hair was dry. I don't do the comb business on dry hair, I refuse. After the finger detangling process I proceeded with my normal wash day routine and ...................BAHMMM!! my coils are united and smooth again. 

I  have been a lazy natural  and I'm planning to change that. I'm still looking for easier ways to care for my hair. If anyone can recommend any techniques or tips on how to cut down on the long hours of detangling natural, please, I could use all the help in the world. I hope my newly found method will help someone out there. 


let keep connected. follow my page on facebook: Naturally coiled South Africa 

Friday 4 September 2015

Products I used on my hair

This post is long overdue and I apologize for taking this long to bring it to you ladies. Straight onto it...

Wash/es (shampoos and DIYs) 

 The Schwarzkopf smooth'n shine shampoo which I bought at dischem. It is very affordable and it does do the job. Lets just say it works like a shampoo, it strips out all the product build up both on the scalp and the hair strands. Nnnnot something I'll buy again , not because it's bad but only because I've had better.

The Afro Botanics Repairing (non-sulfate) shampoo. I bought this on Afro Botanics online store. Affordable too. This shampoo is very delicate on hair but very efficient when it come to removing the build up on the scalp. A little goes a long way with this bad boy right here. When I first got it, I was like uuuuhh!! But yeah, I still have it and it'll be long before I get another one. I definitely will be buying this  one again when I feel I need a gentle shampoo. 

Organic root simulator olive oil creamy  shampoo.  I really like this one, it is my favorite. I bought this one earlier last year during my relaxer days. It is a bit pricey yes but it works wonders for someone like me who prefers a thorough clean scalp. I have a problem with scalp build up, my whole head just breaks out when my scalp is dirty and this creamy sweetheart here knows how to take care of it. This is the shampoo that inspired me to write a post on "My  shampoo experience" post. check it out here
Yes, I will be buying this one again in the future. 


Apple cider vinegar rinse

As mentioned above, I suffer from break outs on my scalp, so I decided to stay a little bit away from harsh/chemicalized products and decided to strictly use an ACV as a cleanser to see if it can help with the breaking out problem. ACV is known to be good for:

  • Balancing hair and scalp pH
  •  Sealing the hair cuticle
  • treating dandruff, itchy and dry scalp - anti-fungal 
  • promotes hair growth
  •  works as a natural detangler

I mix 1/3 to a bottle of water plus tea tree or peppermint essential oils and spray the mixture into my scalp and hair, then cover with plastic for about 20 minutes and rinse off with bearable hot water. I use bearable hot water because I'm low porosity so this aid in opening my hair cuticles to prepare them for my second rinse with ACV. That way my hair is able to absorb some of the goodness of ACV. 

Bentonite clay

Mud wash 

I have a post right here on my blog on mud was and conditioning. Be sure to check it out.

Co-washes and deep conditioners 

I have always been using the Tresemme naturals conditioner and the VO5 give me moisture.  I really LOVE them both. I get these from clicks or dischem. I however repeatedly buy the tresemme only because I get more uses out of it. I add oils and honey to any of the two for deep conditioning. 

I this one as a protein treatment once a month. I am however staying away from the protein treatment for time being due to the protein overload I had around May - June. I'm still playing safe.


I always used this raw Shea butter at night and cover with plastic because it can leave white residue on your hair. In the morning, the residue is gone, melted into my hair and my hair will be feeling very soft. It really feels like deep conditioning. 


I don't use much of the coconut oil on it's own directly onto my hair as it mimics protein when in contact with hair. I mix it with castor oil. 

NB: I have ordered new products (Aunt Jackie's) from Mzanzi Fro that I'll be trying out. I really credit this 10 months - 11 months of my journey to Afro Botanics. Their products have served me. salute!!! 

Monday 24 August 2015


As much as "trimming" hair sounds disheartening to anyone looking to grow some length,  it is very important and essential for one to have once in a while. I've always wished I won't have to trim my hair at all but hay, that was just a wild dream. 

Trimming is more of evening out the ends of the hair strands whereas dusting is cutting off some dead ends. Trimming is more effective and beneficial compared to just dusting. 

So, why trim or dust hair? Trimming or dusting hair is important to prevent unnecessary breakage of hair and "It promotes growth" . When the ends of hair are damaged, it is recommended that you snap the damage off rather than leaving it to snap on its own. It also promotes better hair growth and health. 

When it comes to when one should trim their hair, I say different strokes for different for  folks. Some people have a strict schedule on trimming hair, some do it when they need it, some are just scissor happy, they just love the neat look a trim gives. 

I recently dusted my ends off myself at home. I used Carmen's of My natural sistas technique to archive this. 

I knew I needed some sort of trimming when my hair started feeling fried, dry and stringy. my hair was tangling a lot even after I have put my precious time into detangling it. It was very frustrating. The styles weren't coming out nicely as I know they could. I twisted my hair and left it for wigging. I haven't taken it out as yet to see how different it is after the trim. 

This is how much I snapped off >>>>>>>>


Friday 14 August 2015


I always had my hair relaxed for as long as I can remember. In fact I don't remember myself with coils on my head. My sister always had my hair stretched though my mom  preferred my hair short and less complicated.

I grew up knowing and believing my hair needs to be stretched and so  I "learned" to take care of my relaxed hair. I quoted "learned" because looking back now, I now know I knew nothing about  healthy hair. anyway I continued wearing my hair relaxed until in 2010-11. I went through a rough patch in my life and the stress caused a lot of damage to my hair. my hair just started thinning out and breaking off to the point of no return. I cut my hair very short.

2011 Feb

I took that as a fresh start to grow it back but I didn't relax it right away, I only blew it out there and then. 

2011 around august

 Fast forward to 2013 when my hair started showing signs of weakness again,I started looking for answers. My first search on Google was "why does African hair not grow" I don't remember what I found there but my next question was "how to grow African black hair" and boyyyy did I open cans of lovely worms? blog posts, images and videos POPPED up hunny, a lllot. There I was expecting to see what girls use to relax their hair, who and when do they relax and how often blah blah blah!, but no,  I saw "aliens", girls with long beautiful healthy natural hair and I was like wwwwwhat??????? how on earth?  I was so surprised I couldn't live with myself. From there on, The rest is history, here I am. 

My last chemical session was in September 2014. 28th October 2014 I finally chopped all "chemicalized" hair off.  
The guy who cut and dyed my hair did a crappy job with the dye but I left it, I wasn't going to put any more chemical on my hair. It meant walking around with that weird color on my head and so I did. I couldn't care less, I just couldn't wait to start my virgin hair journey.

I'm approaching my 1 year mark yayyy!!. I am in my basic learning stages and enjoying the journey.
From here on, I will be sharing my journey with you in picture so that you can see how it is going and all that I do and will be doing with my hair. I'll also be sharing all the challenges, accomplishments and lessons about my hair.
March 2015

This is my hair now, dyed black. May 2015

 follow me on my Facebook page Naturally Coiled South Africa  and don't forget to subscribe to this blog for more updates. 

You are beautiful, You matter. you are priceless. xoxo!!